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افضل موضوع انشاء عن مدينة لندن بالانجليزي والعربي

 افضل موضوع انشاء عن مدينة لندن بالانجليزي والعربي  https://youtu.be/M34oG5qte4w The city of London is known as the capital of the State of Britain, and this city has existed for more than two thousand years, and the City of London has become the first and main center in the State of Britain for many public fields such as cultural, economic and political fields The city of London is also one of the small cities in terms of geography, with an area of about 1572 square kilometers, and the city of London is located on the River Thames in southern Britain. The borders of this city are also located in the State of England, where they were considered to have two cities, small London and large London, so the boundaries of the small city of London are considered a small part of the large city of London In addition, the City of London has a very high position for the State of England, and it is a major and essential center for all businesses related to both trade. The city of London is the